11g new features for Developer

11g new features for Developer

Oracle 11g R2

             Results Cache Improvements

             New Analytic Functions
             XML Enhancements
             Java Enhancements
             Pro*C/Pro*COBOL Enhancements
             Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR)

Oracle 11g Preview

             iSqlPlus and SQLPLUSW gone (SQL*Plus & SQL Developer still there)
             Virtual Columns
             XML DB Binary XMLTYPE
             SQL Pivot/UnPivot
             PL/SQL compiler enhancement
             Assign sequence numbers in PL/SQL
             PL/SQL CONTINUE
             Trigger improvements
             New JDBC driver support Java 5 (1.5) & 6

New SQL Functions

               New functions have also been added to Oracle 11g including:

CUBE_TABLE            Extracts two-dimensional table from a cube or dimension
REGEXP_COUNT     Count Occurrences of string
XMLCAST         Cast XML data to SQL datatype
XMLEXISTS               Determine if XQuery returns values
XMLDIFF                              Used to compare two XMLType documents
XMLPATCH                Used to patch an XMLType document

Next-Gen. LOB: Secure file

               Oracle 11g provides a new, more-secure, faster mechanism for storing Large Objects (e.g. XMLType data)
               LOB column specifications in CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE include STORE AS SECUREFILE
               SECUREFILE provides compression and encryption for Large Objects (LOBs)
               Oracle 11g will detect duplicate LOB data and conserve space by only storing one copy ("de-duplication" if SECUREFILE is specified).
               PL/SQL packages and OCI functions have been added to take advantage of SECUREFILE LOBs
               SECUREFILE lobs provide higher performance through reduced size and resource use.

XML Indexes

               Replaces CTXSYS.CTXXPATH indexes
               XML-specific index type, indexes document XML structure
               Designed to improve indexing unstructured and hybrid XML
               Determines XPath expressions for a document's XML tags
               Indexes singleton (scalar) nodes and items that occur multiple times
               XMLIndex record document child, descendant, and attribute axes (hierarchy) information
               XMLIndex is be design general (like CTXXPATH) rather than specific like B-tree indexes
               XMLIndex applies to all possible XPath targeting of a document
               XMLIndex may be used for XMLQuery, XMLTable, XMLExists, XMLCast, extract, extractValue, and existsNode
             XMLIndex helps anywhere in the query, not just in the WHERE clause

Creating XMLIndex

               The syntax to create an XMLIndex looks a little different from non-XML indexes; it is made up of three parts:
               Path index                Indexes XML tags and identifies Document fragments
               Order index      Indexes the hierarchy of nodes
               Value index      Values to match WHERE clauses
                                   (May be exact match or range)

               XMLIndex uses a “Path Table” to store the various node paths in an XML document; if not specified in the CREATE INDEX statement Oracle will generate a name for you

CREATE INDEXpo_xmlindex_ix
PARAMETERS ('PATH TABLE my_path_table');

Introducing Virtual Columns

               Beginning with Oracle 11g tables may now include virtual columns (dynamic values; not stored)
               Virtual columns obtain their value by evaluating an expression that might use:
Ø Columns from the same table
Ø Constants
Ø Function calls (user-defined functions or SQL functions)
               Virtual columns might be used to:
Ø Eliminate some views
Ø Control table partitioning (DBA stuff)
Ø Manage the new "binary" XMLType data
               Virtual columns may be indexed!
Creating Virtual Column


               Datatype defaults if not specified (based upon expression)
               Expression result appears as data in table but is “generated always” (whether or not specified in table definition)
               “ VIRTUAL” is not required, but adds clarity

Adding Virtual Columns:

alter table myemp add
(totpay as



               Oracle joins other vendors by adding the PIVOT clause to the SELECT statement
               Adding a PIVOT clause to a SELECT allows rotation of rows into columns while performing aggregation to create cross-tabulation queries
               The PIVOT clause:
Ø Computes aggregations (implicit GROUP BY of all columns not in PIVOT clause)
Ø Output of all implicit grouping columns followed by new columns generated by PIVOT
               UNPIVOT performs the same activity but converts columns into ROWS (does not “undo” PIVOT)
               Clever developers have used PL/SQL and/or CASE to achieve PIVOT results before, but now it is part of Oracle's standard SQL

PIVOT Example:

select * from
(select job,deptno,income from newemp)query1
pivot (avg(income) 
for deptno in (10 AS ACCOUNTING,
                       20 AS RESEARCH,
                       30 AS SALES))  
order by job;

UNPIVOT Example:

select *  from pivot_emp_table
unpivot include nulls
(avgpay for dept in (ACCOUNTING,RESEARCH,SALES))
order by job;

Oracle 11g Read-Only Tables

               Beginning with Oracle 11g the database supports read-only table mode

Alter table myTable read only;
Alter table myTable read write;
               When a table is in read only mode INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE fail.
               However, SELECT, CREATE INDEX, and other commands that do not alter data are allowed.

Invisible Indexes

               Sometimes the optimizer selects the wrong index:
Ø Beginning with Oracle 11g it is possible to make an index “invisible” to the optimizer
Ø Use ALTER TABLE to make it visible/invisible

create index mytab_ix on mytab(mykey) invisible
alter intex mytab_ix invisible;  
alter index mytab_ix visible;

Results Caching

               Caching is nothing new to Oracle;
Oracle has cached data for a long time now
               What’s new is the caching of results…
               This is similar to how a Materialized View works but is more-dynamic
               New “result_cache” hint asks Oracle to cache query results

select cust_last_name || ', ' || cust_first_name cust_name
,count(*) nbr_sales from sh.customers cust
join sh.sales sales
on cust.cust_id = sales.cust_id where country_id = 52789
and prod_id in (120,126)
group by cust_last_name,cust_first_name,cust_city,prod_id having count(*) > 10
order by cust_name,nbr_sales;

               This query was run three times in succession with timing turned on; resulting timings were
– Elapsed: 00:00:00.67
– Elapsed: 00:00:00.46
– Elapsed: 00:00:00.37

PL/SQL Enhancements

               Oracle 11g’s changes to PL/SQL are very interesting to the developer:
Ø PL/SQL has been improved to include all of the XMLType, BLOB, Regular Expression, and other functionality added to SQL
Ø Improvements have been made to the compiler
Ø New PL/SQL data types
Ø Sequence number use is easier
Ø “Continue” added for loop control
Ø CALL syntax has improved

Compiler Enhancement

               In previous releases, the PL/SQL compiler required a standalone “C” compiler
               Oracle 11g now provides a native compiler for PL/SQL eliminating the need for a separate compiler


Compound Triggers

               Compound triggers allow the same code to be shared across timing points (previously accomplished using packages most of the time)
               Compound triggers have unique declaration and code sections for timing point
               All parts of a compound trigger share a common state that is initiated when the triggering statement starts and is destroyed when the triggering statement completes (even if an error occurs)

Compound Trigger Timing:

               If multiple compound triggers exist for the same table; they fire together:
Ø All before statement code fires first
Ø All before row code fires next
Ø All after row code fires next
Ø All after statement code finishes
               The sequence of trigger execution can be controlled only using the FOLLOWS clause

New PL/SQL Datatypes

               Oracle 11g adds three new PL/SQL datatypes:
Simple_integer, Simple_float, Simple_double
Ø The three new datatypes take advantage of native compilation features providing faster arithmetic via direct hardware implementation
Ø SIMPLE_INTEGER provides a binary integer that is neither checked for nulls nor overflows
Ø SIMPLE_INTEGER values may range from -2147483648 to 2147483647 and is always NOT NULL
Ø Likewise, SIMPLE_FLOAT and SIMPLE_DOUBLE provide floating point without null or overflow checks
CALL with Mixed Parameters

               PL/SQL allows function and procedure parameters to be specified in two ways; by position and by name
               With Oracle 11g SQL, parameter types may now be mixed
               Given the following function:

RETURN inval1 +inval2 +inval3;

    The following calls all now work:

test_call(vara,varb,varc) test_call(inval3=>varc,inval1=>vara,inval2=>varb) test_call(vara,inval3=>varc,inval2=>varb)

Subprogram inlining in 11g

               Oracle 11g has taken compiler optimisation further, in particular with the concept of subprogram inlining. With subprogram inlining, Oracle will replace a call to a subroutine (such as a function) with the subroutine code itself during compilation. One of the benefits of this is that we can continue to write well-structured, modular code without any performance penalties. For SQL-intensive PL/SQL programs, the gains from inlining might be marginal, but for procedural code, inlining might provide some greater optimisation benefits, as we will see in this article.


               We will begin with an extremely simple example of subprogram inlining. In the following example, we request that Oracle inlines function F. We do this with the new PRAGMA INLINE syntax as follows.

       n PLS_INTEGER;
          RETURN 10;
       END f;

      PRAGMA INLINE(f, 'YES');
      n := f();

               The PRAGMA INLINE syntax for a subprogram can take either a 'YES' or 'NO' value and precedes the first call to the subprogram. It will be effective for subsequent calls to the same subprogram within a statement (unless a subsequent 'NO' pragma overrides it). In the PL/SQL Language Reference, Oracle states:
                    When the INLINE pragma immediately precedes one of the following statements, the pragma affects every call to the specified subprogram in that statement:

Ø   Assignment
Ø   Call
Ø   Conditional

               There is a wide range of permutations for the behaviour of the PRAGMA INLINE directive which can be found in the documentation (a link is provided at the end of this article).

pls-00436 removed in oracle 11g

               Since its release in Oracle 8i, there has been a frustrating restriction with FORALL: the PLS-00436 "implementation restriction". Readers who are familiar with FORALL will be aware of PLS-00436. It is the implementation restriction that prevents us from accessing specific record attributes within a FORALL DML construct. One of the first things I check whenever there is a new major release of Oracle is whether this restriction has been removed. With the release of 11g, it has (finally) and this short article will demonstrate the techniques that are now available to us.


               Using the examples from the article referenced above, we will perform a simple update on a column in EMP using FORALL. This is for demonstration purposes only: under normal circumstances the code would be sufficiently complex to warrant the use of PL/SQL over SQL in the first place. The example is as follows.

       TYPE emp_aat IS TABLE OF emp%ROWTYPE
       aa_emps emp_aat;
       /* Fetch the data... */
      FROM   emp;

      /* Update the SAL column... */
      FORALL i IN 1 .. aa_emps.COUNT
         UPDATE emp
         SET    sal = aa_emps(i).sal * 1.1
         WHERE  empno = aa_emps(i).empno;

         TO_CHAR(SQL%ROWCOUNT) || ' rows updated.'


   Implications for inserts

               The removal of the PLS-00436 restriction simplifies several areas of PL/SQL FORALL coding, including inserts. As discussed in the referenced background article, FORALL INSERTs that involve a partial set of target columns can be achieved in previous versions using a record-based insert into an in-line view over the target table (an 8i alternative would be to have an array for each target column). The relaxation of PLS-00436 removes the need for such coding techniques, however. We can now use a simple VALUES () list, as we will see below.

               In the following example, we will create a copy of the EMP table and populate it with a subset of columns. First, we create the table as follows.


       SELECT *
       FROM   emp
       WHERE ROWNUM < 1;


External table enhancements in 11g

               This article introduces a small number of new features for external tables in Oracle 11g. Read-only external tables were introduced in Oracle 9i and are now commonplace in most database applications that need to "import" flat-file data. Writeable external tables were introduced in Oracle 10g (as part of the Data Pump family of utilities) and they enable us to extract data from the database while at the same time creating an external table to read the data back again. Both types of external table have been enhanced in 11g, as we will see below.
This article covers the following new features:
  • support for compressed data (read and write);
  • support for encrypted data (read and write); and
  • Ability to read from a pre-processed input data stream (available from

    Performance impact: writing compressed data

By compressing data, we expect our CPU consumption to increase (as data is compressed) but the amount of file I/O to decrease (as fewer bytes of data are being written to file). We might also expect the I/O savings to outweigh the CPU costs. To test these assumptions, we will compare the relative performance of the compressed external tables below. First, we will use a variation of Tom Kyte's RUNSTATS utility to compare the overall resource consumption of compressed and uncompressed external tables. Second, we will compare the CPU time taken by each approach. In both cases, we will generate a file of 10 times the volume of ALL_OBJECTS, beginning with the uncompressed version as follows (note that the ALL_OBJECTS view data is cached in advance).

Collect enhancements in 11g

               The COLLECT aggregate function was introduced in Oracle 10g and enables us to aggregate data into a collection in SQL. Oracle 11g Release 2 includes two enhancements to this function: the ability to order and de-duplicate data as it is aggregated. In this article, we will examine these new features and demonstrate a way to replicate their functionality in 10g and 11g Release 1.

SQL> break on deptno skip 1
SQL> SELECT deptno
           , COLLECT(ename) AS emps
          FROM   emp
          GROUP  BY

-------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     10 SYSTPd/UcOeePQOrgQKjAAjgR1A==('CLARK', 'MILLER', 'KING')

     20 SYSTPd/UcOeePQOrgQKjAAjgR1A==('SMITH', 'FORD', 'ADAMS', 'SCOTT', 'JONES')


3 rows selected.

               Using COLLECT, we have aggregated a single collection per department as required but the nested table type is system-generated and not very usable. By using our own collection type, we can make this much more usable and flexible. First, we will create a general collection type, as follows.

Type created.


   Functionality language feature: Dynamic SQL completion

The execute immediate can take a clob. DBMS_Sql.Parse() can take a clob. DBMS_Sql can handle user-defined types in the select list and for binding. You can convert a DBMS_Sql numeric cursor to a ref cursor (so that you can pass it back to a database client or, when you know the select list at compile time, you can fetch it into a record or bulk fetch it into a collection of records). You can convert a ref cursor to a DBMS_Sql numeric cursor (so that you can describe it). You now need DBMS_Sql only for “method 4” or for arcane requirements like executing DDL across a database link.

    Functionality language feature: DBMS_Sql security

An attempt to guess the numeric value of an opened (and parsed) DBMS_Sql cursor (so that you can unscrupulously hijack it, rebind to see data you shouldn’t, and execute it and fetch from it) now causes an error and disables DBMS_Sql for that session. The binding and execution subprograms must be invoked by the same Current_User, with the same roles, as invoked the parse. Optionally, via a new DBMS_Sql.Parse() overload, the invocation of all DBMS_Sql subprograms can be restricted in this way.

   Functionality language feature:
   Fine-grained access control for Utl_TCP, etc

It’s no longer enough to have the Execute privilege on Utl_TCP and its cousins (Utl_HTTP, Utl_SMTP, Utl_Mail, Utl_Inaddr). You must also have the specific privilege to establish a TCP/IP connection to each node:port combination that you intend to access. The fine grained privileges are granted by getting the DBA to create an ACL (of users and roles), and to apply this to a port (range) on a node, using the DBMS_Network_Acl_Admin package.

   Functionality language feature:
   Create a disabled trigger; specify trigger firing order

Use the disable keyword in the create statement to avoid the risk that, if the trigger fails to compile, DDL to the table will cause the ORA-04098 error. Use the follows keyword in the create statement to control the mutual firing order for triggers at the same timing point (e.g., before each row). This helps when triggers are generated programmatically.

   Functionality language feature:
   Invoke a specific overridden ADT method

If you don’t know what dynamic polymorphism is and don’t write hierarchies of ADTs with overridden member subprograms, then this feature won’t interest you. Else, read on. New syntax allows the implementation of an overriding subprogram to invoke the member subprogram that it overrides that is defined in a specified supertype. This was the motivating use case; but the same syntax can also be used ordinarily to extend the dot notation that invokes an object’s method. The plain dot notation invokes the method as overridden at this object’s type level in the hierarchy; the extended notation allows you to invoke a particular overridden method at any level in the hierarchy.

   Usability language feature:
   The compound trigger

A well known paradigm uses a before statement trigger, a before each row or after each row trigger, an after statement trigger, a package specification, and its body in concert. The paradigm is useful when you want to “notice” activity for each row the firing DML affects but act upon this only periodically. This might be to improve efficiency by noticing auditing information, recording this in a package global collection, and bulk inserting it into the audit table; or it might be to avoid the mutating table error. The compound trigger is a single database object that “feels” rather like a package body and lets to you implement the same paradigm in one unit. It lets you implement a “pseudo-procedure” for each of the four table timing points and declare state that each of these pseudo-procedures can see. I called them pseudo-procedures because they look very rather like procedures but they are named using keywords. Like this:

before each row is
end before each row

The state is managed automatically to have the lifetime of the firing DML statement rather than that of the session.

    Usability language feature:
    Use My_Sequence.Nextval in a PL/SQL expression

You no longer need to say select My_Sequence.Nextval into v from Dual; The same goes for Currval.

    Usability language feature: The continue statement

PL/SQL catches up with other languages. The continue has a familial relationship to exit. Both can be written unconditionally or together with a boolean expression as the argument of when; and both can specify the name of an enclosing loop. The difference is that exit abandons the nominated loop but continue starts the next iteration of that loop.

    Usability language feature: Named and mixed notation from SQL

PL/SQL programmers know the value of invoking a subprogram that has a very large number of defaulted formal parameters by writing    


only for those formal parameters whose default they don’t want to accept. This value has been unavailable when a PL/SQL function is invoked in a SQL statement. Now this restriction is removed.

   Usability language feature:
   “When others then null” and other compile-time warnings

Naïve programmers have a tendency to provide a when others then null exception handler for every subprogram because they believe that it’s wrong to cause an error (yes, really - read Tom Kyte on this topic). Of course, when a subprogram quietly returns after suppressing an unknown error, and the caller blunders on in blissful ignorance, then anything might happen — and debugging is a nightmare.

It would be very labor intensive, and error-prone, to attempt an analysis of extant code to look for this dangerous locution. Now, the compiler spots if a when others handler does not unconditionally re-raise the exception or raise a new one; in this case it issues PLW-06009. Other new warnings are implemented, for example PLW-06006, as has been discussed above.
   Usability language feature: Regexp_Count() in SQL and PL/SQL

This is just what its name implies. It would be tedious to write code to produce the same answer without this new function.

Thank You.
